Manage the bookings through the application

Included in the service will be the Movel application, thanks to which the user can manage all his bookings.

Try prototype

Service offering map

In this map our goal was to clarify what the service provides to the users, detailing the value proposition into more specific clusters of features. In particular, the Service Offering Map enabled us to understand the complexity of the service and which are the fundamental elements that can guarantee it.


System map

With the System Map we have grouped together in one single frame all the different actors involved in our servic, with their mutual links (flows of data, money and material). We created the System Map to clarify how the different service components and roles are connected one to the other, highlighting the values they exchange.


Ecosystem map

In the ecosystem map we tired to capture all the key roles in our service that have an influence on the user and organization.
The users, internal and external stakeholders are connected based on the type of value they exchange.