Valuing humanity


B2B autonomous car service for companies.

Commuting workers which travel to go in their company offices.


Psychological state will be crucial in future work-life.

Workers of the future will increasingly have mental rather than technical tasks in their works. Creativity, reasoning and intuition will be required.


1 in 5 European workers
spend 90 minutes or more of their time on their way to and from work.

How might we exploit the journey to work to improve the mental condition of employees?


An adaptive system that through sensors could improve the mental well-being.

With the autonomous car service, employees can travel to the office in a perfect state of mind - a service for the companies of tomorrow.



Check the time of the veichle’s arrival on the personal device.
(Phone, Wereable)

The car is a modular concept composed of 4 modules that can be connected and divided as well by interactive panels.


The vehicle proceeds to the office and during the journey the user can benefit of the trip.

Sensors inside the car analyse the user's emotions and the car creates an adaptive system in which the environment changes accordingly.


Arriving at the office, the user is prepared for working.

Why it might fail?

  • Poor user feedback
  • User’s freedom to make decisions
  • User gets distracted during the interaction
  • Cleansing of analysed data
  • Data contamination
  • Lack of interactivity in the experience

How to measure success?

  • General user engagement
  • Changing of the predominant user emotion during the experience
  • Input quality provided for the user
  • Quality of the user interaction within the car
  • User comfort within the car enviroment
  • User observation and interviews